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Thank you for 2023

It’s the time of year where we would like to thank you for your wonderful support during 2023.

Once again, this year was very rich in interesting encounters. We made new friends for life, were happy to see loyal guests returning again, and even saw friends we hadn't seen for decades!

As announced a year ago, we have opened our doors to groups. We are happy to have been able to host a wedding party and two yoga retreats. The atmosphere was superb on each occasion and the meetings were enriching. These stays (and an additional culinary course) have also helped us expand our menu with delicious vegetarian and vegan dishes.

We have given introductory Qi Gong classes, and more recently, active meditation sessions which are open to all.

From our menagerie of animals, you will now be able to meet the newest member, Tom. He had been roaming the village and was at risk of being a victim of poisoning, which unfortunately happened to many cats there.

For 2024 we intend to continue the same path and as always extend our warmest welcome.

We wish you a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and we hope to see you again next year, for even more enriching encounters.

Tracy and Dirk

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